Parish Life at St. Luke's
Here are some of the events that take place in the Parish of St. Luke's
​Tim and Jennifer Higdon
On January 22nd, 2025, during one of the coldest mornings in decades, Tim and Jennifer Higdon lost their home, car, and all of their belongings to a house fire that started while warming their car. After discovering the fire, Jennifer rushed back into the house to help her husband escape, only to pass out from smoke inhalation. Both made it out alive with the help of neighbors but suffered severe burns and had to be life-flighted to Grady Memorial in Atlanta for care.
A Give Send Go page has been started to help Jennifer and Tim - link is below.
Donations may also be sent to St. Luke's treasurer DJ Fulton - or the Woman of St. Luke's.

St.Luke's Church is a proud sponsor of Light Up Blue Ridge
St. Luke’s Anglican Church Annual Christmas Bazaar
December 7, 2024
9 am to 3 pm
Blue Ridge, Georgia
Christmas comes but once a year and the Women of St. Luke's Anglican Church in Blue Ridge hope to made the holidays merrier at the Annual Christmas Bazaar, December 7 from 9 AM to 3 PM.
Holiday shopping, baking and cooking got easier with the help of these local artists and cooks .
Great gift ideas including handmade pottery, original barn quilts, holiday wreaths and centerpieces plus whimsical cork reindeer dressed up for the holidays. St Luke's knitters - knitted up a storm of cozy gifts from scarves to ponchos plus warm afghans for winter snuggling.
Shoppers found traditional to rustic and and timeless whimsical art by local artists including colorful diamond paintings, watercolors, handmade jewelry, bird houses, cards and holiday ornaments to choose from at this year's event.
The Christmas pantry hosted made-from-scratch holiday food and specialty items available on a first come first served basis. A variety of cakes, candies, fudge and other sweets plus homemade entree casseroles, frozen and ready to thaw and bake, from which to choose.
Local favorites like mountain candy, jams, jellies and cheese balls were for sale as well.
The ever popular Silent Auction featuring our Rector’s English Dinner topped off the day’s festivities and allowed shoppers a chance to bid on select and unique items.
The bazaar was an indoor event at St. Luke’s Anglican Church, 7 Ewing Street in Blue Ridge.

Sunday Dec. 1st - 10:15 Service
Todd Lyons and Gordon Bailey were ushers and wore kilts to recognize St. Andrews.
The annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner at St. Luke’s Blue Ridge was held at noon on Thanksgiving Day. All were welcomed to attend. Ham and turkey was provided.
The meal was preceded by a service of Holy Communion at 11 a.m..

St. Luke's Men's Group
Todd Lyons and Neil McDonald assembled a chicken coop and built a chicken run for Diana Baughn on Oct 15th

Thanks to the many generous donations including some of my neighbors we raised $4820.00 !!
We were able to purchase the following items:
20 Lined Flannel Hoodies.
64 Long Underware Teeshirt.
64 Long Underware Pant.
41 Lined Puffer Jackets.
55 8oz Bottles of 2 Stroke Chainsaw Oil.
20 1Gal Jugs of Chainsaw Bar Oil.
72 Coleman Gas Bottles.
From the Gilmer County Emergency Management Facebook page:
Our incredible community donated more goods than we could transport on two semi-trailers. The overflow - about 4,000 lbs of water and food - had to be delivered quickly. That's when Todd Lyons from St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Blue Ridge brought his personal truck and trailer to Station 1, he and Al Cash, also from St. Lukes offered to help. Between his vehicles and ours, we delivered all the remaining donations to the Oasis Church in Hephzibah - just outside Augusta.
Gilmer County Emergency Management again thanks all the compassionate and generous people of our community. And, we are thankful to Gilmer County Fire Rescue and the Gilmer County Sheriff's Office - Ellijay, Georgia for their invaluable assistance during this crisis. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

Blessing of the Animals
On October 6th St. Lukes held the annual Blessing of the Animals.

Women of St. Lukes
Preparing for the annual Christmas Bazaar

Oktoberfest Brunch - one service at St. Luke's
St. Luke’s Blue Ridge held it's one service at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 29, followed by an Oktoberfest Brunch.
Great food and great company.

St. Luke's Men's Group - 9/8/24
The men's group went to Columbus Ga to go to the Civil War Navel museum and the Army Infantry museum. We stayed at FDR state park. Neil McDonald coordinated the event.
A fun time was had by all.
Attendees were:
Todd Lyons,
Ron Wickander
Gordon Bailey
Father Victor Morgan
Roger Johnson
Dave Guzzardi
Al Cash
Bill Baio

On Saturday August 24, 2024, St. Luke's Church was blessed to host the Ordination of William Charles Baio as a Deacon in the Episcopal Missionary Church.
Bill was ordained by The Rt. Rev John Greaves, Bishop Coadjutor of the EMC Diocese of the South.
The Ordination was followed by a wonderful reception that was a lovely tribute to the love the Church shares for the Baio Family and in appreciation for Bishop Greaves and his unwavering support for his flock.

Join us in August during the 10:15 service, for 3 Sundays of “Hymns We Love to Sing.” On Sunday, Aug. 11, 18 and 25, during each service, the hymns and instrumental music will be drawn primarily from the American Gospel song tradition. Under the direction of Randy Wilbur, the music will be accompanied by organ and piano. A fun time will be had by all. We’re looking forward to seeing you there.​​
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, especially in rural agrarian communities, meetings were held, many times outdoors, in which believers were summoned to greater service and unbelievers to faith. In the Protestant Episcopal Church, these were called ‘preaching missions’, while other groups called them revival meetings or camp meetings.
The first camp meeting, in America, took place in July 1800 at Gasper River Church in southwestern Kentucky. A much larger one was held at Cane Ridge, Kentucky, in August 1801, where between 10,000 and 25,000 people attended, and Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist ministers participated.
​These types of meetings solidifies our faith, helps keep us spiritually focus and can bring us closer and renew our faith in God.

St. Luke's Mens Group
August 21st - Much needed work on the grounds of St. Luke's Church.

A big smile from recently ordained Bill Baio
August 11th 2024 - 5:00 PM
The Alpharetta Symphony Wind Quintet
Established in 2023, the Alpharetta Symphony Woodwind Quintet debuted with an inaugural performance on "The Concert Truck".
Throughout the season, the Quintet captivates audiences with a variety of engagements, including education and outreach concerts.
The Quintet performed an interesting mix of light quintet standards, classical arrangements, and a few select pop pieces including music by the Beatles. The quintet's programming made for an intimate setting of entertainment.

A quiet moment in the church

Rev. Victor H. Morgan playing the piano during a quiet moment in the church.
Victor can be rented out for entertainment - the fee is quite high but we're told it's worth it.
July 21st 2024 - 5:00 PM
Ah Surely is the title of a great old Irish dance tune. It's also a common phrase that you may hear in Ireland, as in "Ah surely, the music will be grand tonight!" And every Ah Surely performance is indeed grand as Evan Kinney, Olivia Bradley, and John Maschinot make you want to kick up your heals with a program of pure, authentic Irish music!
Combining the Irish Uilleann pipes (a soft-spoken cousin of the Scottish bagpipes), banjo, guitar, Irish wooden flute, tin whistle, and bodhran with traditional Irish tunes and sacred and secular songs in English and Irish Gaelic, Ah Surely is sure to tickle the fancy of young and old!

St. Lukes Security Lights

Let there be light!
Please take time to drive by the Church at night to see the incredible new lighting given by Randy Wilbur. The parking areas and Church are more secure and are lovely as well. Randy had a mission to make sure our parishioners and guests were safe at night.
He accomplished this beautifully. The Church has truly been honored by his munificent donation and diligence.
St. Lukes Garage
The garage has been completed. Let's give a round of applause to Ruth and Roger Johnson for their generous donation of a new garage door, side door and other parts needed to install them.
Roger spent many hours researching and meeting with the installer. The men's group took down the old siding and Todd Lyons completed the grading. The structure is now solid thanks to the generosity of everyone's donations to the project.

Women of St. Luke's

Women of St Luke's attended the Annual Walk for Her Hope Pregnancy Center on Saturday, June 8 at 9:30 a.m.
Walkers from St. Luke's were - left to right:
Lynn Mentzer, Darlene Dunnigan, Jodi Beauregard, D.J. Fulton, Merideth Yacavone and Teresa Wankel
St. Luke's Men's Group
Saturday June 15th @ 9am SLMG hosted a handgun shooting event at Merideth Yacavone's farm in Mineral Bluff.
Lunch was provided

It was also Jim's birthday that day!

Bible Study in April and May

Presenting here - D.J.Fulton
4/10 D.J. Fulton
4/17 Teresa Wankel
4/24 Teresa Wankel
5/1 D.J. Fulton
5/8 Fr. Ron Wikander
5/15 Judy Brooten
May 5th 2024 - 5:00 PM - The Brasstown Ringers - a top notch handbell choir of 16 players

Women of St. Luke's
Women of St Luke's visiting the Isaiah 117 House in Blairsville

St. Luke's Mens Group

MARCH 19th - Firewood splitting work day at Fannin Family Connection
Ron Wikander, Jim Noblitt, and Todd Lyons
FEB. 22nd 10am Outing to Noontootla Creek Farms Sporting Clays gun range (Weather permitting) for a day of shooting Clay pigeons.
Roger Wankel, Bob Bradley, Todd Lyons, Jodi Beauregard,
Dennis Wood, Gordon Bailey