St. Luke's is a Gospel-centered Anglican Church declaring the whole counsel of God's Word.
Worship is classical and relevant. Our faith is ancient and ever new. Members are outward-looking and service-oriented in their approach to the Christian faith. They invite YOU to join them as they seek to be a light in this community and the world.
Our doors are open. Come and see!
Worship with St. Luke's
Sunday Service and Event Schedule
8:15 AM - Holy Communion
A quiet mediative service with no music
10:15 AM - Morning Service
Majestic worship with uplifting music
(Holy Communion, first, third and fifth Sundays; Morning Prayer and Sermon together
with Shortened Holy Communion on second and fourth)
Online and Audio Services
St. Luke's 10:15 services can be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook
Recordings can also be viewed after the service:
Audio services can be heard on the radio at 98.1 FM in a 1/8 mile radius of the church.
(This feature is primarily for those persons who wish to worship in their automobiles in the car park outside the church.)